文章難度★★ #系統思考 #媒體素養
《Board Games or Video Games?! 桌遊還是電動遊戲?》
Board games are fun and easy to play. You don't need the internet to enjoy them. When people play board games, they are face-to-face. You also don't have to look at a screen to play. So you don't hurt your eyes. Video games are exciting and colorful. You don't need a friend in the same room to play them. You can play……
桌遊很好玩,也很容易玩。玩這類遊戲 不需要網際網路,人們玩桌遊時都是面對面 玩。你也不需要看任何螢幕,所以你不會傷害 眼睛。 電動遊戲很刺激,而且色彩繽紛。你不需 要有朋友跟你在同一個房間玩;你可以......
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