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  • 2023.5月號 彭蒙惠英語 內容試讀搶先看!


    2023.5月號 彭蒙惠英語 內容試讀搶先看!

  • 一遊美國巧克力農莊

    文章難度★  #國際理解 #美食文化 #環境教育

    A Chocolate Farm in Paradise : Take a tour through one of America's only working chocolate farms 

     樂園之地的巧克力農莊 一遊美國極少數運作中的巧克力農莊之一

        In a quiet clearing on the lush, tropical fruit and chocolate plantation of Lydgate Farms, we take our first bite of tangy, mucilaginous cacao fruit. The creamy white pulp could have become an epic sour candy flavor had it not been overshadowed two millennia ago by its seed: the source of rich, decadent chocolate.


    更多精彩內容, 請購買 #彭蒙惠英語 5月號雜誌唷^^



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