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  • 2023.5月號 空中英語教室 內容試讀搶先看!


    2023.5月號 空中英語教室 內容試讀搶先看!

  • 震撼感官的一級方程式賽車

    文章難度★★  #安全教育 #解決問題

    《FORMULA ONE'S DANCE WITH DANGER : F1 racing provides thrills to spectators

    F1-與危險共舞 震撼感官的一級方程式賽車

        Sleek cars race at high speeds as top racecar drivers compete for millions of dollars in prize money. Welcome to Formula One Grand Prix racing, the world's premier motor-racing competition!

        In everything from the engines to the tires, each racecar must meet certain specifications that make up the“formula” in Formula One (F1). The F1 cars are not only the most technologically advanced cars on the planet but also some of the fastest in the world.



    更多精彩內容, 請購買 #空中英語教室 5月號雜誌唷^^



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