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  • 2023.6月號大家說英語 內容搶先試讀!


    2023.6月號大家說英語 內容搶先試讀!

  • 乘風破浪

    文章難度★★  #自我精進 #團隊合作

    《Let's Go Sailing! 乘風破浪去!》

    What is your favorite outdoor sport? There are so many to choose from. Some people like tennis; others like basketball. But have you ever thought about sailing? Sailing is an exciting water sport. When you sail, you guide a boat through the water using the power of the wind. Sailing might seem like a difficult sport. But with some lessons, a good coach and some practice, you can become a good sailor.

    你最喜愛的戶外運動為何?戶外運動種 類非常多。有些人喜歡打網球;有些人喜歡打籃球。但你是否考慮過駕帆船航行?駕帆船是個相當刺激的水上運動。當你駕帆船,就是利用風力在水上行船。這項運動或許看來有相當難度。但只要上幾堂課,跟著好教練學習,並多加練習,你就有可能成為一位很好的帆船運動員。

    更多精彩內容, 請購買 #大家說英語 6月號雜誌唷^^



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