文章難度★ #戶外教育 #國際視野
《A Peak of Adventure 冒險的高峰》
Mountain climber tours the globe at high altitudes 登山家在高海拔地區遊走全球
Laura Ellis stood in a cobbled street in Nepal, staring at the clouds capping the Himalayan mountains. She was considering hiking Mount Everest, the range's highest peak. It was her first time at the Himalayas, and she commented that they were huge. Pinco, her guide, laughed. She was looking at the spurs, the lower rim of the mountains. It would be……
蘿拉‧艾理斯站在尼泊爾一條鋪滿鵝卵石的街道上,凝視著覆蓋喜馬拉雅山 的雲層。她正在考慮攀登聖母峰,那是喜馬拉雅山的最高峰。那是她第一次來到喜馬拉雅山,她的評語是,喜馬拉雅山非常巨大。導遊平可笑了。她看到的是支脈,也就是山脈的下緣。他告訴她,到達山腳需要......
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