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文章難度★★~★★★ #國際理解 #多元文化
《Wonderful Copenhagen 魅力滿滿的哥本哈根 》
Copenhagen, Denmark, is a wonderful city. It's fun to explore it. Start in Nyhavn, the city's old port. Admire the beautiful old colorful buildings. Today many have cafés or restaurants in them. Visit Rosenborg Castle. You can learn about the lives of kings and queens in the 17th century. Be sure to see......
丹麥的哥本哈根是一座美妙的城市,探索起來充滿樂趣。先從新港開始,這裡是這座城市的老港口。欣賞那些五彩繽紛的美麗老建築,現在其中許多建築都開了咖啡店或餐廳。 走訪羅森堡城堡,你可以了解十七世紀的國王與王后過著何種生活,也別忘了欣賞......
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