文章難度★★ #媒體素養 #多元文化
《Christmas Traditions》聖誕節傳統
Christmas is many people's favorite holiday. They celebrate it with many traditions. Most people put up a Christmas tree in their house. They decorate it with colorful ornaments and little lights. Then they wrap gifts for others and put them under the tree. Many bake Christmas cookies. They keep some for......
聖誕節是很多人最喜歡的節日。他們用很多傳 統來慶祝。大部分的人會在家裡擺一棵聖誕樹,他 們用色彩繽紛的吊飾和小彩燈來裝飾它。然後他們 會把給家人的禮物包裝起來,放在樹下。很多人會 烤聖誕餅乾,他們留一些給......
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