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文章難度★★ #國際理解 #藝術涵養
After a disastrous fire, this ancient site is now fully restored
歷經毀滅性火災,這座古老建築 已然浴火重生
On April 15, 2019, the people of Paris, France, were shocked to see the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral in flames. The cathedral had stood for hundreds of years, but the fire nearly destroyed it. Hundreds of firefighters fought to save the building, but the fire still did extensive damage. Since then, the building has been......
二○一九年四月十五日,法國巴黎的民眾震驚目睹巴黎聖母院主座教堂陷入一片火海。這座教堂屹立不搖已達數百年之久,但是這次的火災幾乎將其摧毀。 數以百計消防人員奮力撲救,可是大火仍然造成了巨大損害。自那時起,教堂便因....
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