文章難度★★ #生涯規劃 #媒體素養
《REMARKABLE REBECCA FERGUSON-Her road to becoming an international star》
蕾貝卡‧弗格森 看蕾貝卡剛柔並濟的國際巨星路
Rebecca Ferguson has been the toast of the town as a singer. She has also vied for the British throne and helped save the world as a spy – on the big screen, that is. Born in 1983 in Sweden, Rebecca attended an English-speaking school, so she speaks both......
蕾貝卡‧弗格森曾是名備受推崇的歌手;也曾出手爭奪過英國王位,然後還曾以間諜的身分協助拯救全世界──確切來說,這都是大銀幕上發生的事。 蕾貝卡一九八三年出生於瑞典,就讀一間英語學校, 因此能說一口流利的......
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