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《Summer Olympics 夏季奧運會 》
Do you watch the Olympics? Athletes run, jump and swim in many different sports. The best athletes win a medal. The gold medal is the biggest prize. This year the Summer Olympics is in Paris, France. Fifteen million people will travel to Paris to watch them. Others will watch the Olympics on TV. Before the Olympics begin, there is a Parade of Nations. Teams from......
你會看奧林匹克運動會嗎?選手們在眾多各式競賽中跑步、跳躍和游泳。最棒的選手能贏得獎牌,金牌是最大獎。 今年的夏季奧運會是在法國的巴黎舉行。 屆時將會有一千五百萬人去巴黎觀看比賽,其他人則看電視的奧運轉播。在奧運開賽之前,會有一個各國進場遊行。由來自......
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