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文章難度★★★ #能源教育 #創新應變
Making buildings better for people and the planet 打造更適合人類及地球的建築
The buildings in which we live, work and shop shape our experiences. The construction and maintenance of these buildings also require significant resources. So a growing number of architects are trying to design buildings while keeping both sustainability and quality of life in mind. The term “green building” can refer to......
那些我們在裡面居住、工作以及購物的建築會影響我們的經歷。此外,建造並維護這些建築亦需要龐大的資源。因此,愈來愈多建築師致力於設計能夠兼顧 永續性和生活品質的建築。「綠色建築」一詞可指稱......
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