文章難度★★ #多元文化
《The Ultimate Regatta》終極帆船賽
He crossed the Atlantic solo in the boat he built himself 他獨自駕駛自製小船橫渡大西洋
Jack, [an engineer,] never imagined racing alone across the Atlantic, much less in a boat he built himself. Yet sitting at his computer in October 2020, he typed his credit card number and agreed to a nonrefundable deposit toward a $10,000 kit of precut plywood that, with enough screws, epoxy and fiberglass, would one day become a......
工程師傑克從沒想像過單獨參賽橫渡大西洋,更別說是駕駛自己造的船。然而在二○二○年十月,他坐在電腦前,輸入信用卡號碼,同意支付一筆不退的訂金, 以購買價值一萬美元的預先切割成型之膠合板組件。只要有足夠的螺絲、環氧樹脂和玻璃纖維,這套組件終有一天會變成一艘......
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