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  • 2023.4月號空中英語教室 內容試讀搶先看!


    2023.4月號空中英語教室 內容試讀搶先看!

  • 人見人愛的南韓藝人

    文章難度★★  #媒體素養

    《Park Bo-gum: The Sweetheart of South Korea》

    South Korea's wildly famous Park Bo-gum is an actor known by many names. He has been nicknamed the “Nation's Little Brother” by some, the “Nation's Son-In-Law” by others and the “Nation's Boyfriend” by many. It is easy to see that the Seoul native is adored by a wide variety of people.

    享有盛名的南韓藝人朴寶劍,是一個以擁有多樣稱號而為人所熟知的演員。有些人暱稱他為「國民弟弟」,有些人叫他「國民女婿」,還有很多人都當他是 「國民男友」。不難看出,這個首爾土生土長的明星根本就是人見人愛。



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