含雲收聽(朗讀+講解) 創造24小時英文環境
文章難度★ #自我精進
《Women in the Workplace Battling the obstacles that working women face 》
My greatest mistake was thinking success looked like a specific thing. For me, that was making partner at Goldman Sachs. When I didn't, it set me free. One morning in 2011—after 11 years on the partner track at Goldman, where I had been a very young VP and just assumed partner was the natural next......
我最大的錯誤是認為成功是一件特定的事。對我來說,那就是成為高盛的合夥人。當我沒成為合夥人時,我被釋放了。 二○一一年一天上午,我接到了一通電話--我當時在高盛以合夥人為目標工作了十一年,已是一位非常年輕的副總裁,以為下一個晉升很自然會是成為......
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