雜誌系列 > 訂閱-彭蒙惠英語 2024-09-24 點閱數 (147)

  • 2024.9月號彭蒙惠英語 文章內容試讀!

    Chasing the Northern Lights搭火車 追極光

    2024.9月號彭蒙惠英語 文章內容試讀!

  • 追尋北極光

    文章難度  #戶外教育 #環境教育

    Chasing the Northern Lights追尋北極光 搭火車追隨北極光穿越歐洲,讓人永難忘懷

    Europe is a dream come true come wintertime. From the merriment of myriad Christmas markets to joyous carnival celebrations, the continent shines bright during the season of darkness. But nothing dazzles quite like the Northern Lights. At their best during the winter months, the Northern Lights are a thrill to those lucky enough to gaze upon them, and the colorful display happens to......

    冬天的歐洲,猶如夢想成真。從各地無數聖誕市集的喜樂氣氛到歡欣無比的嘉年華慶典,歐洲大陸在黑暗季節閃閃發亮。 然而,什麼都比不上北極光耀眼。 冬季月份是北極光最精彩的時節,令得以親眼目睹的幸運兒雀躍不已,極光的瑰麗多彩剛好進入......



    更多精彩內容, 請購買 #彭蒙惠英語 9月號雜誌唷^^



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