雜誌系列 > 訂閱-彭蒙惠英語 2024-10-01 點閱數 (75)
2024.10月號彭蒙惠英語 文章內容試讀!
A Key Ingredient for a Happy Workforce提高員工幸福感
文章難度★★★ #人際關係 #溝通表達
《A Key Ingredient for a Happy Workforce 》快樂員工的關鍵要素
You can make a positive difference in the world 你可以為世界帶來正面改變
According to the Gallup World Poll for the World Happiness Report 2024, America has fallen out of the top 20 happiest countries for the first time. This is not surprising considering the rising costs of living, a daily barrage of unsettling news reports and the lingering effects of loneliness from the pandemic. Social media has replaced much-needed in-person interactions and often......
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含朗讀雲 創造24小時英文環境NT3,000
紙本+數位 雙效學習!NT3,500
含朗讀雲 創造24小時英文環境NT2,600