雜誌系列 > 訂閱-彭蒙惠英語 2024-05-24 點閱數 (431)
2024.4月號彭蒙惠英語 文章內容試讀!
Family Fun at Home or Away 家庭幸福感可以很簡單
文章難度★ #家庭教育
《Family Fun at Home or Away Playing with your preschooler and saving money on family trips 》
在家或出外享受家庭樂趣 與學齡前兒童一起玩耍;為家庭旅遊省錢
Most parents want to provide more for their children than their parents were able to do for them. But have you ever noticed how kids tend to have fun with things as simple as a cardboard box? When it comes to play, which is essential to......
大多數父母都希望為孩子提供比自己父母所提供更多的東西。但是你可曾注意到,孩子們往往可以用像紙箱這樣簡單的東西,就能玩得很開心? 玩遊戲對孩子......
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